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The UP Wyoming Division

Layout of Bon French



Tom Brown's 1964 photo of a U50-GP30B-GP30 combination on an EB freight in Cheyenne (Prototype)


Bon French's replica photo of an EB freight with the U50-GP30B-GP30 combo (HO Model) from the south side of the tracks.

(with the appropriate lettering for the time period)


Action at the west end of the Cheyenne yard. UP 4-12-2 #9000 is headed out on the west yard lead to pick up a westbound train. Big Boy #4015 is coming out of the servicing area to pick up an eastbound freight. The EB City of Portland is coming off Sherman Hill under the C&S bridge and will shortly roll to a stop at the Cheyenne depot. The year is 1956. The E9's are new and the 4-12-2's are rolling off their last miles.


The UP Wyoming Division Big Boy 4020

Big Boy 4015


Bon French's layout is centered on the area around Cheyenne Wyoming. The photos in this set are showing the Cheyenne depot area on the layout to illustrate the use of photo backgrounds in creating realism on a layout. It is a photo supplement to the Rhinelander Railroad Association newsletter story coming in The Warrant for April 2012.

Here is an overall shot of the Cheyenne area of the layout the main UP depot and the space for the yards in the foreground.

Cheyenne area

This shot is from across the layout and gives and view of the depot and town.

Wide shot

This is a close-up of the street which will cross over the yards east of the depot.


Here is the depot with trains on the UP main line.

This is the west end side of the depot taken from across the yard.


The Asher-Wyoming Co is just west along the north side of the yards.


A pair of CNW GP30 heads west out of the yards passing the Hitching Post Motel.

PL&S operates on the Wyoming Division

Update 4/2/22
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